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Sales Excellence  

The Sensei Way

Facilitated by Ranjan De Silva

Sensei International is proud to present ‘Sales Excellence – The Sensei Way’, a suite of resources designed using psychological tools from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and Transactional Analysis (TA) to power your sales force to boost sales revenue by at least 20%, potentially more, and build on the gain. You can pick one as many of the options available. We can also customise a solution based on your company's needs. 

The suite of resources include:

Sensei Sales Excellence Sampler

A FREE WEBINAR designed to showcase the uniqueness, style and power of Sensei’s Sales Excellence Resource Suite. 

Sensei Sales Excellence Webshops

Designed to provide Sales Excellence Resources to learning communities, customized to address specific sales improvement opportunities.

Sensei Sales Excellence Consultancy

A powerful process to help understand the current and future realities, generate winning products/markets/resource strategies, and formulate plans to execute the strategies gaining alignment and liberating passions of the team.

Sensei Sales Excellence Coaching

A powerful coaching process to help leaders emotionally engage their teams to deliver strategic business results.

Alphabet Cubes

The above processes are designed to be delivered online, while they can be delivered in a physical location as well, subject to health care guidelines.

best on the best selling book 'A Better Way to Sell'


About the facilitator Ranjan De Silva


Partner -Senior Management Consultant – Sensei International


The programme is presented by Ranjan De Silva, a world – class change catalyst, motivator and speaker, the author of the book, Mind Programming for Sales Success and the new, further enriched edition of the book, A Better Way to Sell – Sales Mastery through Self Mastery published by Pearson Education. (please include pics of books and link to the book description/purchase page)


Ranjan has been acclaimed as one of the best in the world in this field by many management gurus, and some such testimonial regarding him and his book is given below.

By Ron Kaufman


"To master yourself you must serve yourself well. To master sales, you must serve others well. Ranjan De Silva shows you how to do both! Every gem of wisdom in this book is precious for all the aspects of your life: personal, professional, family, work, health, hobbies and career. As you dive into this text, you will discover the tools, tips and terrific techniques to get what you want by helping others achieve what they want. Enjoy the adventure ahead!"


Ron Kaufman is an internationally acclaimed innovator and motivator for partnerships and quality service. He is the author of the popular 'UP Your Service!’ series of books, articles and training programmes. []


By Omar S Khan

'We all need to sell. We sell who we are, we sell our skills, we sell our products, our services. We may also want to sell our ideas, our values, our beliefs. We may need to enrol others in causes we believe in. But the primary sale, the most critical and non-negotiable sale, is to ourselves. Our self-belief, our congruence, our credibility, is the basis for selling anything. People first decide whether they believe us, whether they trust us, whether we care about them, and only THEN do they move on to what we're selling. People talk about a sales 'personality'. I think instead, there is 'sales character'. When who we are combines with what we're asking others to do, buy, or try, THAT'S when the magic happens!


This exceptional book is not just about sales, though any salesperson will find a lifetime of tools here to produce extraordinary sales results, and sales managers will locate a treasure-trove of practical tips as well as life-enhancing inspiration. However, far beyond that, Ranjan shows all of us how to sell from within, he reveals sales as a quest for creating value for others. All the marvellous tools, techniques and ideas are brought to life with this spirit, and dedication. They flow from Ranjan's own story of growth, evolution, engagement, sales and business success in so many countries around the world. 


If you want to learn to sell yourself on success and meaning, buy this book! If you want to help others win by unleashing unprecedented enthusiasm for your product or service, buy this book!  If you want to achieve undreamt of success by helping other people succeed, buy this book NOW! Better yet, read it, learn from it, live it, use it! Your life and the lives of all those you serve and sell with will thank you for it!"


Omar Khan, founder and Senior Partner of Sensei International, leadership success coach and transformational learning pioneer, author of the globally acclaimed books SYNERGY and TIMELESS LEADERSHIP, co-author with best-selling author M. Scott Peck of the upcoming book, THE NOBLER ALTERNATIVE. []


By Bob Urichuck


"Interesting to Read! Surprisingly Simple! Amazingly Powerful! Simply Inspirational!'  


Before you can master anything, you must first master yourself.   Ranjan De Silva’s book “Mastery of Sales through Mastery of Self’ is designed to help everyone [not just salespeople] master their own lives so that they can help others to make the right decisions.  It has the depth sought by the intellectual, the simplicity sought by the beginner, the rigour desired by the experienced salesman and the enjoyability sought by everyone else.


Those who love stories, anecdotes and fables will find at least one in each chapter. They are highly relevant and illuminate the concepts so powerfully. Those who need practical applications will find the answers nicely packaged in a logical sequence. For those who need prescriptions on how to get on with it, the simple, step-by-step mind programming exercises are a wonderful companion."


Bob Urichuck, Author of ‘Online for Life: The 12 Disciplines for Living Your Dreams’ and ‘Up Your bottom Line; Featuring the ABC, 123 Sales Results System’.



"Thank you for the excellent 'stella' workshop. The success of the session was enormous. I can advise you that people have returned with a very positive spirit. Well done for helping to create that 'will do' feeling."

 Ray Bremner

– Chairman - Unilever – Egypt


"Please accept our appreciation for your invaluable contribution at the Sales Excellence workshop. It was an extraordinary experience for all of us and the theories, concepts and practical application have helped our team immensely in performing at our highest potential. The post-event feedback has been overwhelmingly positive and most participants have commented that it has helped them to 'stretch' and realize hidden potential. Congratulations to you and your team for conducting a successful workshop and we look forward to working with you in organizing the follow-up sessions."

Sanjika Perera 

Head of Sales - HSBC Sri Lanka


"This morning's talk by you to our sales force, as they launch in to a new half year of achievement, was simply excellent. The team went away highly motivated and with renewed energy. I hear a positive buzz in the team and I am confident the team will reach greater heights he coming year. Thank you for making such a big impact on our team."

Jeff Boomer

- Sales Manager - Lexus Toyota - Scarborough, Toronto, Canada


"I am writing this mail to express my gratitude to you for conducting such wonderful learning session. I believe this session will help us a lot to our professional life."

Md. Tanvir Hassan Chowdhury

 Participant of "Boost up your Sales through Professionalism and Relationship" - Bangladesh



"I’d like to personally thank you for a truly professional session at our annual Marketing Forum. I’m sure it gave a lift to the attendees."

Asif Osman

- Head of Commercial and Rewards - Air Miles Rewards Management Middle East


"Whilst this note should have been sent much earlier; it is far more relevant to send this note now, considering that our sales team went through a bit of a crises 2 months ago and it was the team leaders who were able to pull the team back on track. Most of the techniques that were used were what you had taught them during your sessions. The personal time that you have dedicated to our teams both during and out of sessions were truly appreciated and the sales leaders were able to benefit immensely from it.Thank you for your passion and commitment in the betterment of our staff and for always being there for the team." - Niranjan Mendonca

- Head of Retail Banking – Mashreq Bank Qatar


"It was my pleasure to have you with us. The delegates were very happy with the outcome, so much so the CEO wishes to send his son to one of the open programs – maybe the one in July in Colombo."

- Roomy Rahim

- Head of HR - Al Rajhi Bank Saudi Arabia​​

"The playshop was a very rewarding experience for all of us. There is a wonderful buzz in the organization. A lot of the material that we covered will be incorporated into our regular MIS." - Kaiser Kabir

- Managing Director - Renata Ltd, Bangladesh


"On behalf of the Right Selection team, let me send you a big thank you, and say how much we appreciated your session with us and today and that we certainly found great value in the same. A thought passed my mind: Why did we not do this before? However, I believe when the time is right and destined, it all falls into place.The way you led us to uncover different aspects of our business was really wonderful, You helped us discover that by keeping certain aspirations in front of us, then with conscious changes, we could quickly take the business to the next level. Overall the session was very fruitful and interesting with the mix of discussions, slides, video, and a game squeezed in - all in the short time that we had to work together etc. - Ram Ganglani

– Chairman - Right Selection 


Sensei International applies the science of Neuro Linguistic programming [NLP] as the base in the design and execution of this programmes to create this unbelievable, result oriented and sustainable change in participants. NLP helps to liberate the individual’s potential and helps focus energy to channel their life in exactly the direction in which they want to go. The programme draws on proven techniques developed by some of the world’s foremost peak performance experts. The Science Digest states that NLP is the most promising development in the field of human advancement. It is ‘software’ for the hardware of the human neck-top super computer - a user’s manual to achieve one's goals.

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