mastery of self
If you are interested in ‘Mastery of Self - Practitioner Certification’, you can enrol on a one year programme, which includes attending these 3 programmes, a coaching and training workshop, monthly supervision, self-direct practitioner support groups (PSG), research, thesis and a viva. Please contact us for more details.
mastery of Self
Through NLP
We invite the thousand who have benefited from this magical experience to come back for a refresher and/or nominate your family, friends and colleagues at work to attend this life-changing experience. We also invite everyone else interested in taking a quantum leap in your life to join this unique learning experience.
Mastery of Self is now offered in 3 segments:
Mastery of Self - Expert (2 days)
Mastery of Self - Achiever (2 days) - Also open for those who have attended the 2-day ‘Personal Excellence - NLP’ or ‘Living Beyond Limits – NLP’ playshops
Mastery of Self – Intellectual (2 days) - Also open for those who have attended the 4-day ‘Mastery of Self’ session
​Dates and investment:
Dates: 4th, 5th, 11th and 12th November 2022
Location: Will be notified
Investment: 30,000 BDT (Early bird offer: 22,000 BDT for payments before 20th October)
Colombo: We will inform you of the dates once a slot opens up. Please submit the registration form so that we can keep you informed and send you the payment details once we allocate you to a course.