Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic
Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic
‘SENSEI EQ-IQ Dynamic’ is an assessment tool to identify the balance between our Intelligence Quotient (IQ) and Emotional Quotient (EQ), with the intention of understanding the reason why we think, make sense, decide and act the way we do. It also helps in understanding others and how we can improve the way we think, make sense, decide and act. It also improves relationships, introducing a new way of perceiving and interacting with others.

EQ-IQ Dynamic Described by the Creator of the Assessment: Ranjan De Silva
EQ-IQ Dynamic Described by the Creator of the Assessment: Ranjan De Silva
The Concept
Our EQ-IQ Dynamic makes us capable of being successful in what we do. The EQ-IQ Dynamic represents specific qualities of our intelligence and emotional balance. Identifying and getting into the type of work that suits our EQ-IQ Dynamic arena enables spectacular success, as we enjoy such work and are naturally gifted to do such work. EQ and IQ can also be developed through education and mental exercises to suit the requirements of the type of work we already do. Organizations which understand this and hire people for their EQ-IQ Dynamic, and provide job responsibilities to suit their EQ-IQ Dynamic, enjoy a high level of success due to the high level of engagement. Our EQ-IQ Dynamic can be balanced as in the illustration below or can be weighted more towards either IQ or EQ.

The EQ-IQ Dynamic give us a Natural Advantage
Once we are in our EQ-IQ Dynamic arena, we can liberate ourselves from the stress of working ‘against the grain’. They highlight how we can find a way of working that suits our EQ and IQ Dynamic or develop one or both aspects to suit the type of work we like to do. The EQ-IQ Dynamic is concerned with learned behaviours, stemming from the knowledge-based cognitive part of the mind (IQ) and Feelings-based affective part of the mind (EQ). The EQ-IQ Dynamic results also helps us to understand and develop our personality and social style.
How is the Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic Assessment Distinct?
The Three Mental Activities
Philosophers and psychologists share the concept of the three mental activities that helps us to make sense, learn, decide, act etc. They are: thinking (cognitive), feeling (affective), and doing (conative).
The cognitive (thinking) part is concerned with IQ, skills, reason, knowledge, experience and education.
The affective (feeling) part is concerned with desires, motivation, attitudes, preferences, emotions, and values.
The conative (doing) part is concerned with drive, necessity, innate force, instinct, mental energy and talents.
Whilst the Sensei Natural Abilities explains the conative aspect, the EQ-IQ dynamic explores how the cognitive and affective aspects work in the mind and impact the way we work. We have a distinct mix of cognitive and affective energy for thinking and feeling that work together with our conative energy, to produce purposeful action.
Assessing the Three Mental Activities
Whilst there are many assessment tools for cognitive and affective mental activities, diagnostic tools available for conative assessments are rare. Here are some examples:
Conative assessments such as the Kolbe Indexes and the Sensei Natural-Abilities Assessment evaluate natural abilities and instinctive talents we were born with, and identifies the way we act and behave.
Cognitive assessments such as TOEFL and IELTS evaluate intelligence and what we have learned. It assesses knowledge, skills and our ability to remember and understand.
Affective assessments (personality tests) such as the Myers Briggs Type Indicator, Predictive Index and DiSC evaluate our social and cultural preferences, how we feel and what interests us.
Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic assesses the combinations of cognitive and affective mental activities.
The EQ-IQ Dynamic is Developed Over Our Lifetime
Benefits of Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic
An EQ-IQ Dynamic gets developed over our lifetime based on the education we receive, the reading we do, our learnt experience and the values that are inculcated in us by family, friends, teachers, colleagues and society. Whilst the EQ-IQ Dynamic can be presented as percentages which add up to 100%, three broad categories can be identified.
Strong EQ (EQ > 54)
Strong IQ (IQ > 54)
EQ and IQ fairly balanced (range within 46:54)
We can develop EQ and IQ to levels that help us to reach the ideal dynamic which suits the type of work we like to do. In addition, if you can find work you like to do that matches your existing EQ-IQ Dynamic, that would be much more beneficial.
The Three Common EQ-IQ Dynamics
Unlike Conative behaviour, the EQ-IQ Dynamic concept is concerned with the Cognitive and Affective aspects. While the combination of EQ-IQ scores can be almost limitless based on the percentages of each aspect, we would like to simplify the combination to three broad categories.
EQ and IQ percentages are fairly balanced (53/46)
Strong EQ - a range from a large gap between the percentages (100/0) to a small gap between percentages (57/43).
Strong IQ - a range from a large gap between the percentages (100/0) to a small gap between percentages (57/43).
EQ-IQ Dynamic #1: Strong EQ (EQ > 54)

If our EQ percentage score is high, we tend to use more of our emotions in deciding and acting. Our thought process is influenced by our concern for others, own emotions and gut feel. It is an indication of our reliance on EQ more than IQ. The danger of being over-reliant on this mode is that we may not adequately consider information, formulae and processes in the decisions we make and action we take. It will be difficult to get the approval of senior leadership who rely on logical reasoning, financial justifications etc. This may also hinder how we research and connect with others who are more technical in their orientation, thereby reducing the quality of the decision and effectiveness of execution.
EQ-IQ Dynamic #2: Strong IQ (IQ > 54)

If our IQ percentage score is high, we tend to use more of our brain in deciding and acting. Our thought process and reasoning are supported with information, formulae and processes. It is an indication of our reliance on IQ more than EQ. The danger of being over-reliant on this mode is that we may not consider the emotions of the other people involved, as well as ours, in our decisions and actions. It will be difficult to get the buy-in of others and to motivate them because of difficulty in emotionally engaging them, due to the lack of emotional intent and connection. This may also hinder how we listen to our inner-voice (sub-conscious mind), which may try to help us in deciding and acting.
EQ-IQ Dynamic #3: EQ and IQ fairly balanced (range within 54:46)

Having a balanced EQ-IQ score would be useful. On one hand, whilst jobs which are more technical in nature may require a higher IQ score, on the other hand, jobs which are more adaptive in nature may require a higher EQ score. It is also seen that good leadership and teamwork requires a higher EQ score, which needs to increase as we go up the corporate ladder.
General Note: It is important for each of us to determine the right EQ-IQ mix for our respective jobs based on these guidelines, as well as industry, technology, people, environmental and situational aspects, so that we can work towards developing the most useful mix for our current and potential roles.
The SENSEI EQ-IQ Dynamic Assessment
The Sensei EQ-IQ assessment is one of the few ways of assessing a person’s preference for, and balance between, the use of cognition (head) and affective (heart) aspects in their daily conduct. It is unique from any other mental measurement we may have taken because most other assessments would assess a single mental aspect, whereas this tool assesses a combination. There are no right or wrong, good or bad answers/results, and no biases by gender, age, or race. It will assess your suitability for your role in life and could suggest development or role transition.
How to respond to the assessment results
The EQ-IQ Dynamic result helps us to understand ourselves, our type of work and its suitability. It is not always necessary to be anything other than being who we are to achieve our highest goals to be successful. Sometimes it is about making some adjustments to the EQ-IQ dynamic through relevant development or changing our roles to suit. The EQ-IQ Dynamic assessment gives us information about our EQ-IQ Dynamic and that of our families, friends, colleagues or any other group/team we belong to. It also highlights our responsibility to put our talents to work for the shared purposes of those with whom we make commitments.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic Helps us to know our Suitability for our Current Role
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic will help us to understand how well we suit our current role. Most roles require a mix of EQ and IQ. Some roles related to science, engineering, health care, research, technology, and individual contributors require a higher level of IQ. Some roles related to leadership, management, marketing, advertising, customer service, sale, creativity, entertainment or performance require a higher level of EQ. Some roles such as entrepreneurship and teamwork need almost an equal level of EQ and IQ. Therefore, knowing our EQ-IQ dynamic helps us to assess our suitability for the role we play.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic Helps us to Decide if we have to Develop our EQ and IQ
Once we compare our EQ-IQ Dynamic score and our current role, we would be able to decide if we needed to develop IQ, EQ, or both to suit our role.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic helps to Decide on Changes in the type of Work we do
Once we compare our EQ-IQ Dynamic score and our current role, we would be able to decide if we needed to change our role to be more aligned with our IQ or EQ score.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic Helps us to use Time and Energy Productively
When we are in our EQ-IQ Dynamic arena of work, we are more proficient, efficient, and immersed in our work. In addition, if this is in line with our natural-abilities, it creates psychic energy which keeps building up as we work, rather than diminishing. Therefore knowing, and being in, our EQ-IQ Dynamic areas helps us to use our time and energy more productively.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic Helps to Improve our Communication Effectiveness
Our EQ-IQ Dynamic makes us communicate or receive communication in different ways. Those who are stronger in IQ present information, data, theories, models, concepts and evidence with the use of audio visual aids. They also prefer to receive information in this format. Those who are stronger in EQ present using stories, examples, case studies, videos, role-plays, and encourage conversations that arouse the emotions of the audience and engages them. Therefore, knowing our own and the receivers’ EQ-IQ Dynamic helps in customising communication to suit, thereby making it more effective.
Knowing our EQ-IQ Dynamic Helps to Avoid/Reduce Stress
Cognitive and Affective stress is created when conflict arises from interactions between two people with significantly different EQ-IQ Dynamics. We tend to expect others to have an EQ-IQ Dynamic like ours and think, reason, analyse, behave, communicate and work accordingly; when we experience something different, it creates conflict, tension and stress. However, when we know that there are different EQ-IQ Dynamics that result in different behaviours, we can manage our expectations and adjust our behaviours to suit, thereby reducing or eliminating stress.
It is possible to respect someone else's way of being without adopting it ourselves. Conflicts can be turned into synergistic effort by not trying to change each other, by having a sense of humour about differing approaches, and by staying true to ourselves whilst understanding and respecting the other person's EQ-IQ Dynamic. Success for an individual is defined as the freedom to act within his/her EQ-IQ Dynamic. Success in a team situation or personal relationship stems from understanding each other’s EQ-IQ Dynamic, accepting them and finding synergy rather than trying to change the other person.
The Sensei EQ-IQ assessments are easy to take. Respondents need to select the most likely option from the 2 options provided for various situations. Twenty-four (24) such situations would be offered for respondents to reflect on and select. The test could be completed in about 20 minutes, and the time taken would vary, depending on how fast respondents selected their responses. Sensei uses adaptive testing to ensure the practical relevance of results. A sample of the questionnaire is given below.
Sample of the questionnaire

The Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic Assessment Brief Report – Free
We are pleased to offer you the ‘Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic - Brief Report’ free of charge. Given below is a sample of the brief report.

The Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic Assessment Comprehensive Report – at a Nominal Fee
If you would like to know more about your EQ-IQ Dynamic, you could get a Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic comprehensive report at a nominal fee of US $10. Please click here to download a sample report to examine the format of information that will be available to you.
Who created the Sensei EQ-IQ Dynamic
Ranjan De Silva, Senior Management Consultant of Sensei International, recognized the need for a combined assessment of EQ and IQ, to understand its dynamics in people. After having critically examined the various stand-alone EQ and IQ assessments during his leadership development practice over the past 20 years, Ranjan developed the EQ-IQ assessment. This assessment helps clients to understand their EQ-IQ Dynamic, thereby assisting them in developing themselves and their teams, as a part of Sensei International’s leadership development practice.
For a deeper exploration, we invite you to invest in a comprehensive report for only US$ 15. You may first take the free assessment and decide if you would like to invest in the comprehensive report. The link to the comprehensive report will be provided once you complete the assessment and receive the free report.
You could repeat the assessment once, free of charge. Please follow the instructions in the email you receive with the comprehensive report if you need to repeat the assessment.
Please click here, If you have more than 10 participants to assess and develop in your organization.
Please click here, If you would like to recommend this assessment to family, friends or colleagues - we will send them a link through email.
Further notes
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