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Advanced Mastery of Self

Advanced Mastery of Self


Through Neuro Linguistic Programming


LKR 26,500 /-

BDT 25,000 /- 

Price is for all 3 days. Includes lunch, refreshments and workshop material in addition to the learning experience.

Dhaka prices include double sharing full board accommodation 


15% discount for 15 or more participants, 10% discount for 10 or more participants and 5% discount for 5 or more participants


Registered participants will be informed of the upcoming session.



Those who have participated and benefited form Sensei International’s Mastery of Self [MS – NLP ] feel the importance of taking the experience to another level. Advanced Mastery of Self [MS2 – NLP] has been designed with this in mind. While MS-NLP is conducted around twice a year MS2 – NLP is been conducted in Sri Lanka after 15 years. We hope to make this an annual feature from now given the large number of request we get from NLPers. 

Who should attend?


Advanced Mastery of Self (MS2 – NLP) is only for those who have attended Mastery of Self (MS-NLP)

What is ‘Advanced Mastery of Self through Neuro-Linguistic Programming [MS2 - NLP]? 

This programme will help those who have already started the journey towards mastering their life after MS-NLP to consolidate the change, broaden/shift paradigms, make their purpose bigger, deeper and clearer, tap deeper in to the inner-resources, learn to tap in to the external energy source and take their relationships to another level by programming their mind, using techniques from advanced NLP, New-code NLP, Counselling skills, Community building skills, Psycho-Cybernetics, Psychology, Transactional Analysis, Action Inquiry and other relevant human/social sciences.

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